Sunday, May 11, 2014

Woven Yarn Cups

4th Grade: Woven Cups

Fourth Graders studied the history and fine art craft of basket weaving. Basket weaving is a craft that has existed for centuries and exists all over the world. Basket weaving can be done with any pliable material including, grass, wood and animal hair. Baskets have many purposes, such as,  being used to store goods and food. Baskets can also be used for bartering. 

Did you know baskets were used during WWII to hold messenger pigeons? Baskets were also used during the war to deliver supplies and food to troops. 

Today, basket weaving is a wonderful art that is appreciated by many. Fourth graders wove some paper cups to get into the theme of woven products. Some students used multicolored yarn ("rainbow" color) while others chose to do patterns with certain colors. I think they all look great. Some pictured below are halfway done so you can view the weaving process in the cups.

These are lots of fun to make. Our steps were:

1.) Draw odd number of lines around the cup (from top edge to almost bottom edge with a permanent marker). We used 7 lines for 5 oz cups. 9 lines would work well for 9 oz cups.

2.) Cut on lines to create slits.

3.) Knot yarn and place knot within cup. Weave yarn in and out of slits, sliding down yarn as rotations are made around cup. Yarn should be pulled gently so it lays down smoothly.

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