Wednesday, February 19, 2014

3rd grade Blue Dog

3rd Grade: George Rodrigue's Blue Dog

3rd Graders learned about Mr. Rodrigue and his famous Blue Dog. Students learned about the Loup -Garou, the Cajun Legend about the dog. Students loved seeing his many paintings and how Blue Dog seemed to travel to all the parts of the world. Blue Dog had many different backgrounds in his paintings and it was fun to imagine the many places he traveled.
For this project, we did a step-by-step of a basic Blue Dog. Then, students created a personality for their dog and imagined where he was and what clothes/accessories he would need. Our blue oil pastels got very used up as you might expect, so by the time the last class was on this project I let them choose any color they wanted for their dog! The dogs were colored in with oil pastel (we did review values, and I encouraged students to do dark on the edges and lighter towards the center of the dog ). Backgrounds were either oil pastel or watercolor. These are very imaginative I think!

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